Saturday, May 20, 2006

Guaranteed SEO in 24 hours - SEO Article

You may or may not have heard people "gauranteed seo" they can get listed in Google in only 1-2 days. It seems that nearly 100% of the people you run across in forums and seo articles act like in order to get indexed by Google within 24 hours is some miracle feat that can only be accomplished by doing some top seo secret, marketing tactic or advanced seo optimization strategy.

Well, the truth of the matter is...

In this SEO Article we'll see getting listed in Google in 24 hours guaranteed is quite easy which involves bit of SEO work.

First let's talk about what NOT to do optimizing your website. This drives me absolutely crazy when I see people doing this, and is actually what I did at one time as well. After you read this lesson, DO NOT waste your time doing this. I repeat... DO NOT waste your time doing what I'm about to tell you.

The following URL might look familiar to you:

Guaranteed SEO in 24 hours - SEO Articles Image

This is Google's actual website submission form. They state that you can use this form to submit your website to their index of websites and it can take up to 6 weeks for your website to be placed into their index.

I don't know about you, but 6 weeks is a heck of a long time to just wait to be placed in their index rotation, let alone get a top ranking!

Never Use The Google Submission Form for SEO Optimization!

You should never use this form, or any other of the top search engine's submission forms. These search engines include Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, Alltheweb.

So, how do you get your website indexed within 24 hours guaranteed? What SEO Optimization techniques should be used?

There are many methods, but for someone that has a new website and doesn't have tens of older websites already indexed by Google, there are 2 main ways I would suggest to get indexed into Google quickly. Note, when I say "Google", I'm basically referring to Google, Yahoo, and MSN.

Method #1 for Guaranteed SEO

First thing's first, before I can teach you how to get indexed quickly, you need to know how search engines find websites. It's very simple.

The way that search engines find new websites is they will visit 1 website that is already in their index, then from that site, they'll follow all of the links on that site, to visit the next site. Then they'll visit that website and visit all of the links on that page and so on... This is called "crawling". Search engines will "Crawl" your website to find new information and place it into their index of search results.

In the example below, if Google were to visit this webpage, it would then "crawl" all links on this site, to find other websites like:


Guaranteed SEO in 24 hours - SEO Articles graphics

Ok, so let's think about this for a minute... Let's say that you have a new website ( and you just created it. It's not indexed by any of the search engines. Meaning, the search engines don't know this website exists yet.

So, how would the search engines find out about this site? Easy... They need to find your site by following links on websites that are already in their index. Make sense? A very good SEO Tool I use for checking if the website is indexed by the search engine is SEO Elite. This is a powerful SEO software available out there.

We will show you more about how SEO Elite can be used effectively in our next SEO Articles.

Alright... now, once we know this, all we need to do is find websites that are already indexed by the search engines and get them to link to us. That's all fine and dandy, but it can be a little tricky getting others to link to your site, if they have no incentive to do so...

No problem, that's why we'll use this method I'm about to teach you, to get TONS of websites to link to your site quickly.

All you'll need to do is write 1 article based on the topic of your website. Because our website is about SEO discussions, we'll write a SEO Article called, "Guaranteed SEO in 24 hours". At the bottom of our article, we'll include a signature linking to our website (SEO Articles).

Once we've done this, we'll visit many of the popular article directories on the web, and we'll simply submit our article to those directories. Once they've added our article and link to their site, the search engines will visit their website, and then follow all the links on their site. 1 of those links will be a link to our site, and BAM! We're indexed by the search engines.

The more article directories that we submit to, the more links we'll get back to our website, and the more times that search engines will visit our site. The more links you get, the quicker you'll get indexed.

Sounds simple, right? Well, it is! That's really all there is to getting indexed by Google within 24 hours guaranteed. Ok, now let's move on to another method of getting indexed by Google quickly.

Method #2

Let's go back to our weight loss website from the previous lesson for now. First...

  • Go to Google and enter the broadest keyword you can think of that's related to your website. In our example, it will be guaranteed seo. Once you've done this, you'll see a list of Google results.
  • Browse through each website and pay particluar attention to the Google Page Rank of the website.
  • So, as you're looking at these top ranked websites for the search term guaranteed seo, you should try to find websites with a Page Rank of 6 or higher.
  • Once you've found several websites like this, you should search their website for their contact information.
  • Once you find their contact information you should send them an email asking if they will link to your website in return for you linking back to their website. If you do this correctly and professionally, they will respond and will place a link on their website to yours.

We see in our next SEO Article how SEO Elite can be used to find higher page rank websites with their contact details for your search term guaranteed seo and send them pre-defined email to request link exchange.

If you can manage to get 1 PR6 website to link to your website, you should be indexed by Google in under 3 days. If you can get 1 PR7 website to link to you, then, in most cases, you will be in Google's index in under 24 hours!


So, there you have it. 2 SIMPLE ways to get indexed by Google extremely fast guaranteed... Now, when someone mentions in a forum or SEO Article, bragging about how they've gotten indexed by Google in under 24 hours... you can laugh to yourself and know that it's really not rocket science. That wraps up this "Guaranteed SEO in 24 hours" article.

Article Source: Search Engine Made Easy -- by Brad Callen

Monday, May 15, 2006

Keyword Research SEO Article


In this SEO Article we will see how important it is to do some serious keyword research before we start building any content for the webpage. Keyword research is the top priority in any SEO technique. It's always best you spend little time on the keywords for your website to be ranked on top 5 on any search engine. This SEO Article with show you effective ways to do keyword research.

How many Keywords?

It is usually suggested to find 1 to 3 keywords for your content, but extensive research is required to find out which keyword is most crucial; after all its no point of optimizing your website for the keywords that no-one is searching for. So make sure you do your paperwork and jot down which keywords are most searched for and are with less competition. Write as many keywords you think of, don't just limit them. You should be able to build up several phrases from them. While thinking of any keyword search think about following:
  • List down the purpose of your website. You will definitely find some words here.
  • What would you type in the search engine if you want to find out your website?
There is a very good tool I have suggested in my SEO Article for OnPage SEO techniques. Let me suggest you again OVERTURE search suggestion tool. This tool not only shows you how many searches have been made for a given keyword in past month but all show you several alternatives for that keyword. The other keyword research tool I can suggest of is WORDTRACKER. Although it requires subscription, but OVERTURE is completely free. Search engines like Google also provides with good recommendation tool although it does not indicate any popularity. Keyword Elite which I personally use for my websites optimization is top of every keyword research tools. We'll see in-depth about Keyword Elite in our other SEO Articles.

Here are the links of all tools:
  • Keyword Elite
  • NicheBot
  • Digital Point Keyword Suggestion Tool
  • Keyword Discovery

Competition for Keywords

After you are done with your keyword research for seo and short listed all phrases it's now time to find out the competition involved with them. The best way to analyze competition is go to any search engine and type your keyword. This will show you number of results return. For example the following image shows you 46,900,000 results for the term "keyword research articles".

Keyword Research SEO Article image (click to view bigger)

Now you can imagine how much work is involved to out rank the top website for this keyword. In order to make this task easier use paper-based or excel worksheet as done below:

Keyword Term: keyword research article
Date of Search: __________
Top ranked site: _____________
Search result: 46,900,000
No of searches made in OVERTURE: X numbers

Likewise repeat the same procedure for your other phrases. This will help you to do various comparisons between several key terms and select the best niche keyword.

Applying Keywords to your content

After you have selected 1 to 3 keywords for your webpage content use them throughout the page shown here OnPage SEO techniques. Make sure to keep . Here is the quick glance where to use keywords.
  • Title Tag: Title tag content is displayed on your browser's title. You can use about 70 to 80 characters here. Make sure to use good combination of you keywords here separated by '¦'. For example for our "keyword research articles" keyword we can use Keyword Research Articles ¦ SEO Article for Keyword Research.

  • Meta Description Tag: Write meta tag description of about 200 to 250 words include your most relevant keywords.

  • Header Tags: Always use your main keyword in h1 tag and combination of your keywords in h2 tag. h1 tag can be used as headings and h2 tag can be used as sub-headings.

  • Body Tag: This is where you spread your keywords. Make sure you have at least 300 words in your body content where you use your keywords in the first 25 and last 25 words of the tag. Make sure you bold, italics and underline you keywords.

  • Img Alt Tag: If you are using images always provide alt attribute which shows your keywords.

  • Anchor Tag: Text appearing for any link is called anchor tag. This has high relevance in any search engine.

  • Webpage name: Having keyword name as part of you webpage name is also very important.


So keyword research is the heart of any SEO task. Without any firm research you will not rank high and ultimately your onpage SEO suffers. Good niche keywords turns into traffic which converts into sales conversion. Hope this SEO Article is useful.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

On Page SEO Technique Article


There are two types of SEO techniques we need to take care of while optimization of your webpages for Google.
  • OnPage SEO technique
  • OffPage SEO technique

In this SEO Article we will cover OnPage SEO, and will show you various steps you need to take for ranking at #1 spot for your search term.

Keyword research

Before we do any optimization for any search engine it very important you do some brainstroming with your search term for which you want to rank first. By search term I mean keywords research. Keywords are on which your webpage relies on. So before you start creating or even collecting contents for your webpage you should do some serious keyword search. There are many keyword research tools available online. Some are paid and most of them are free. A good keyword tool I can suggest is Overture. This tool shows you various phrases for your choosen keyword and also shows you how many searches were made during last month. So do serious keyword search.

OnPage Search Engine Optimization

So now when we have done keyword research we should start looking for the content for the webpage. When publishing content for your choosen keypharase following onpage optimization factors should be given serious attention.
  • Put your keyword in the h1 Tag
  • Blend you main keyword with other words and put in h2 tag for sub-categories
  • Use your main keyword in the title tag
  • Make sure your use bold, italics, underline your keywords
  • If you using images in your webpage its best to use alt tag and place your main keyword there with the word "image" or "graphics". e.g digital camera image
  • Finally use your keyword in the first 25 and last 25 words of your content.
Always research competitors for your main keyword and do exactly what they are doing but add up little bit more to out rank them.


So this seo article helps you in doing all nesessary work you need to do onpage seo. But the onpage optimization is not alone that will take you to #1 rank. While onpage seo optimization is important but its offpage seo optimization that takes you to the #1 spot.